Future Meeting Dates

August 06, 2024

November 5, 2024

November 21, 2024 Budget Approval

January 18, 2025 Annual Meeting

Meeting Information

  • Homeowners are always welcome to attend Board meetings.  Board meetings are working meetings; homeowners do not participate or speak other than during the Homeowner Comments section of the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.  As of May 2020, meetings are held virtually by Zoom.
  • If you would like to attend a board meeting, email Basic Property Management  (information@basicproperty.com) ONE WEEK before the meeting to receive a Zoom link.
  • If you would like to add something to the agenda, email both BPM (information@basicproperty.com) AND the Board (woodbridgeboard@googlegroups.com) THREE WEEKS before the meeting. Include a written description of all supporting information associated with the topic.
  • The Board reserves the right to consider topics by direct discussion with the requestor, by phone, email or in person. Topics relating to individual unit issues are best handled by these means.  Agenda topics will not be added during the meeting; topics must be emailed 3 weeks BEFORE the meeting.